Under the sign, batwing doors hung crookedly, moving a little in the wind.
Law books lined two walls; on another, a pair of diplomas hung crookedly.
The door, hanging crookedly from one hinge, suddenly exploded open as someone kicked it in.
The doors hang crookedly, like a drunken man trying to stand holding to a post.
Looking up, the others could see a smear of blood across the airman's face, and his right arm hung crookedly.
The swinging doors hung crookedly, and the windows were coated with dirt.
The pieces of the rungs hung crookedly from the uprights.
The steps were missing every other slat, and hung crookedly to one side.
Four pictures hung crookedly on the wall representing scenes from Faust.
The drape on the right side of the window hung crookedly.