In a dark room, Jose Alejandro Restrepo has hung bunches of green bananas from the ceiling and attached them to television screens.
Freeze in a sealed polythene bag, or hang bunches in an airy room until dry, then store in an airtight jar for six months.
'For mice, though, you hang bunches of Trembling Jock about "TremblingJock i' the hoose, and ye'll ne'er see a moose", you know.
That's all right,she thought as she hung them to dry with the rest, along the line where she usually hung bunches of herbs to dry.
Ayla displayed other baskets, and hung several bunches of dried medicinal herbs and food plants as well, particularly those that were commonly used by the Mamutoi.
Fuller got out a lot of handbills and hung bunches of them in the stages, omnibuses, and horse-cars.
From the roof hung bunches of army surplus boots and greatcoats, axe-beads and storm lanterns.
They had hung banners and bunches of sweet flowers and fruits from the ramparts.
I hung bunches of sea lavender and the pungent sea wormwood in the kitchen.
I will hang bunches of seed treat so I can assure those who winter it out that they will not be forgotten.