Another handy item is a large, light-colored cloth for wiping spills.
It's a handy item to have - with one- tool you can pound nails into wood or use the claw end to remove them.
Right now an old-fashioned Colt, fully loaded, would be a nice handy item.
Another handy item is a 12-inch-long combination square, a metal ruler with a sliding handle for gauging 90- and 45-degree angles.
Next, learn about two handy items that won't fit in your toolbox.
This handy item, it seems, will save you many repetitious keystrokes by automatically filling in all those World Wide Web forms you keep running across.
Aggressively use poles, pepper spray, rocks, limbs, noisemakers or other handy items to discourage wolves.
A handy item for those who are often far from civilization is the Extractor, a little suction pump that swiftly removes the venom from an insect or snake bite.
"Now, that's a handy item to have around," jack said.
Say, here's a handy item: the Combination Writing Utensil and Floss Dispenser.