Hundreds of mourners posted handwritten poems there as well.
On a wall above the bouquets, a handwritten poem had been taped, apparently by a British soldier's wife.
Draft upon draft of handwritten and typewritten poems, and last, three folders of correspondence.
On his way to the scaffold he distributed his handwritten poems to the people.
While perusing the volume under the glow of a small reading lamp, Mr. Stine was stunned to find an eight-line handwritten poem.
They came with votive candles, handwritten poems, American flags and video cameras.
The images are meant to be read as much as seen: every spare inch is inscribed with handwritten poems, diary jottings and quotations.
Robert Frost attended the inaugural ceremonies, and brought a handwritten poem titled Dedication meant for the President.
The rest of the show, made up largely of photographs with handwritten poems, spins off from the film.
There are no pictures of Oprah or the president on the wall, no painted hard hats, no handwritten poems about miners rising into the light.