Or so ran the implausible handwritten account of the good Consul, who was himself a loyal son of Rome.
He put all this aside, lighted a fresh cigarette, and returned to the handwritten account of Aaron's meeting in the Parker Meridien with the doctor.
On large boards a range of poetry and tidy handwritten accounts of historical events had been displayed.
Proposal for future inventions line the gallery walls, along with handwritten diaristic accounts of the artists' fantasies and fears.
Zena had managed to dig up Captain Latham's own handwritten account of the tragedy, probably from his log, and had made photocopies of it.
(Copland's handwritten account of their meeting is part of the Heckscher show).
In third grade at P.S. 207 his teacher was unable to control him, according to his own handwritten account at 13.
However, handwritten accounts can take a significant amount of your business' time and it is easy to make mistakes.
Among the items on display was a handwritten account by the King of private conversations with President Roosevelt.
Thin typing paper yellow with age, handwritten accounts, blurry school photographs, famous names, warnings and pleas.