That handsome, powerful, sophisticated nobleman was going to be her husband.
Markham was a wealthy young nobleman, handsome, good-natured, carefree, and easy-going.
Once, she was alone for several hours with a handsome nobleman, who helped her to open a cupboard which had been stuck.
It has been said that the figure, which may have been changed from female to male, reflects Michelangelo's passion for a young and handsome Roman nobleman.
It struck me that he looked only a few years older than they, a handsome, wealthy and exotic foreign nobleman in his early twenties.
The duke is a handsome, self-effacing nobleman from 1876 who describes his position as one of general uselessness and great indebtedness.
At Khaurene there were a thousand intrigues to entice a handsome young nobleman.
A handsome young wealthy nobleman, main opponent of series.
Mrs Ashfield is at the market when she is approached by a handsome young nobleman who gives her a letter to deliver to her husband.
Then he could have 'arranged a proper marriage for her, a marriage to some handsome young nobleman with good manners and a safe occupation.