He received a handsome income; he was treated with the highest consideration.
Most people here earn rather handsome incomes and appreciate the good life, which drives up the overall standard of living.
In later life, his skill as an inventor of practical devices provided him with a handsome income.
In other words, a handsome income from an investment may be useless if the value of the principal is eroding.
An average month's gross is closer to $225 - a handsome income in a small Russian town, compared with her husband's $100.
This problem could be solved very simply, by rewarding hard-working, effective party leaders with handsome incomes.
All exchanged much handsomer incomes for the government's modest ones just so they could spend their time advancing the science.
Don't you know that I make a very handsome income out of my business?
He gave her a dowry, and settled a handsome income on her.
Afterward, he drew a "handsome steady income" from the royalties.