I'd offer to help you there, but I'm sure a handsome hero like yourself is capable of making his own arrangements.
Scriber Jaqueramaphan waved this way and that, the handsome hero.
"The generation before us had all the fun," says one of the film's handsome, 20-ish heroes.
So you've decided to run back to your handsome, wounded hero to nurse him back to health.
"Not at all, my brave boy, my bold and handsome hero."
Charlie Boston wasn't exactly a handsome hero, but he was better than nothing.
The two turn into a handsome hero and a noble steed.
Drake has been described as "dreamy", and a "handsome, charismatic hero."
Then the handsome young hero looked from one side to the other.
She expected Nellie, her handsome hero on her arm, to come running into the kitchen.