Her appreciation and fairly spontaneous love for your son Buddy is a handsome bonus to me, making tears spring to the eyes when least expected.
Salvage officials, crowding about him, were already making promises of a handsome bonus.
Music to pay him a handsome bonus for services rendered to their best and most important blog.
With those pix and the copy he would concoct, he would be in line for a handsome bonus.
Jules was due a handsome bonus for his three kills, but when the money was counted out he found he'd gotten only half of what was owed him.
He issued a quite handsome bonus to all the members of the tour and had the wagons repaired, starting with the leaky roofs.
His services were so useful that he was not only paid more highly than the others, but for particular scoops had received from time to time a handsome bonus.
The doughty captain of the little Okamisi ship was tendered a handsome bonus for having helped us and sent on his way.
One might imagine that such a rule would discourage old members from sponsoring new ones, but a very handsome bonus is paid to those who bring in "fresh blood."
Horace had a handsome bonus that he kept in the company safe for his lads until after their party.