Gifford was the youngest son of an earl, a handsome young aristocrat and junior officer in a famous guards regiment.
The gentlemen had thronged around her, handsome, worldly aristocrats vying for a scrap of her attention.
In Polidori's narrative, the undead villain is a proud, handsome aristocrat, fatal to women.
It is "Father Sergius," Tolstoy's posthumously published story of a handsome, tormented aristocrat driven to seek spiritual fulfillment through perfect self-denial.
Did she already hanker after some handsome young aristocrat rendered ineligible by common sense and necessity?
He is a handsome aristocrat with an iron hand, through his person sending out a message of his nation's invulnerability.
What a snappy, handsome aristocrat!
Lord Edward Fitzgerald was a handsome, high-spirited aristocrat who abandoned a promising career in the British Army and wound up taking part in the 1798 Irish rebellion.
A handsome, black-haired Peruvian aristocrat, her father looked after a highly dysfunctional family clan and devoted the rest of his energies to his work.
The handsome aristocrat was also frowning.