They use a type of hands-on therapy called spinal manipulation or adjustment.
This hands-on therapy has been shown to help in treating neck pain and headaches.
These four hands-on therapies can ease your stress, anxiety, pain, and more.
Find out how these four popular hands-on therapies can help you feel better.
Stressing hands-on therapy and frequent repetition of procedures that produced the best result, her staff had never failed to satisfy.
So look for hands-on therapies to work well for these conditions.
Nursing homes are short staffed, and insurers do not generally pay for the attentive medical care and hands-on psychosocial therapy that advocates recommend.
Chiropractic is a hands-on therapy based on the theory that subluxations in the spine may cause many medical disorders (especially disorders of the nervous system).
"More therapists are seeing the benefits of hands-on therapy," Ms. Caprio said.
"Some people do like hands-on therapy, and I would recommend massage, which is a proven method of injury prevention."