The conference normally lasts between 3 and 5 days, and consists of presentations, whiteboard sessions and hands-on labs.
The most recent exhibition additions to Discovery Place include World Alive, Fantastic-Frogs and three Explore More hands-on labs.
Tickets include technical sessions and hands-on labs with Apple engineers, as well as access to the introductory keynote which Ars will cover live.
The nearly 1,000 sessions, hands-on labs and exhibits explored all areas of the HP Enterprise Business portfolio including servers, storage, networking, software and services.
The schedule features lectures by professors from each discipline, as well as corresponding hands-on labs to reinforce the concepts covered in the lectures.
It also has boat-building exhibits and a hands-on wet lab and touch tank for children.
The conference is primarily used by Apple to showcase its new software and technologies for developers, as well as offering hands-on labs and feedback sessions.
There were 140 sessions and 100 hands-on labs for developers.
In addition to breakout sessions, the event offered hands-on labs, thought leadership keynotes and opportunities to network with peers, HP executives, senior technologists, and HP partners.
Many classes have an experiential component to bring the material to life-mock trials, hands-on labs and Model U.N. simulations, to name a few.