Their activities encouraged hands-on exploration and just trying things.
No amount of hands-on exploration can substitute for the minds-on conceptual stimulation and logical analysis that serve as the foundation for truly successful college work.
The nature center places an emphasis on nature related education, including hands-on explorations, microscopic discoveries, a forest boardwalk three stories high, and an underwater viewing area.
Dinosaur enthusiasts can excavate fossils in a hands-on exploration with paleontologists in Mongolia next month.
Bova, a fervent advocate of an expanded space program, is not above propagandizing for hands-on exploration of the solar system.
The project's goal is to enable hands-on exploration of science and engineering principles, devices, and systems that have historically been restricted to expensive laboratory facilities.
The organization offers dynamic, hands-on exploration and discovery opportunities to students around the world.
Through an ongoing dialogue with the local scientific community and nearby universities, joint research programs will offer students of all ages a rare opportunity for hands-on exploration.
Each area is designed in a way to support and further the mission of the museum and provides hands-on, child-led exploration and discovery.
Children are allowed hands-on exploration of the instruments.