These standards define a subset of the dynamics and control design space that provides good handling qualities for a given vehicle type and flying task.
Even so, it suffered from variable and often doubtful build quality and some of the uglier handling qualities that had always been associated with Lada.
Allied pilots tested several of these triplanes and found their handling qualities to be impressive.
The prototype first flew in 1936 and proved to have excellent handling qualities.
Service evaluation was unfavorable: although performance was satisfactory its handling qualities were poor.
The space shuttle orbiter was the first spacecraft designed with the aerodynamic characteristics and in-atmosphere handling qualities of a conventional airplane.
He agreed that the aircraft possessed good handling qualities, but felt that the engine was outdated, weak and unreliable.
These vessels can be quite complex in design, as they need a balance between docile handling qualities, interior space, good light-wind performance and on-board comfort.
The pilot praised its handling qualities.
The Citation models that emerged in the 1970s were originally intended to be practical and with good handling qualities.