Take into account whether the work involves handling dangerous equipment or substances that require supervision.
To staff the recruit training program, the city will import instructors from the outside, especially those who can train firefighters to handle dangerous substances.
If you handle radioactive substances you may have to comply with other legislation in addition to environmental permitting.
Wearing protective gloves before handling such substances is recommended, suggests Belsito.
Your current activities could also cause land contamination, particularly if you handle hazardous substances such as chemicals or fuel.
In addition, staff no longer handle hazardous substances.
Needless to say, I am also thankful for the fact that people will be more careful when handling such substances.
Diagnostic tests in nuclear medicine exploit the way that the body handles substances differently when there is disease or pathology present.
For one thing, they said, the plant is far from populated areas, which suggests that it may be intended to handle highly toxic substances.
It is able to simulate a chemical plant without the risks of handling dangerous substances at high temperatures and pressures.