For example, an email client may be known to handle messages with a simple structure without failure but not the full generality allowed by the standards.
Last year, according to department figures, the office handled 37,131 phone calls, e-mail messages, letters and personal visits from customers.
They move money around, or they handle messages, do briefings.
"Something to do with the way an Engine handles messages," the clerk was explaining.
They checked the orders and passed them on to the section of priests handling outgoing messages.
Somehow many rock bands lost faith that their audiences could handle mixed messages.
Mail servers can handle undeliverable messages in three fundamentally different ways:
A friend suggested that he try Message point, a service that handles voice, e-mail and fax messages.
Either way, researchers think that a problem in the part of the brain that handles messages about muscle contractions might cause dystonia.
The incremental productivity is going to come from handling messages.