By week's end, the White House was still handling inquiries about the incident.
Consumer Response is currently handling complaints and inquiries related to:
Beale said the company handles media inquiries and puts together his ward newsletter, among other duties.
But whether charities can or want to handle inquiries concerning trivial sums is another matter.
Other public-facing people in the organisation should have a basic level of information so that they can handle inquiries confidently.
The organization handles inquiries from businesses interested in relocating to that area.
Service organizations, like insurance companies, need staff to handle routine inquiries about premium deadlines and coverage limits.
Voice recognition is among the more promising approaches because it can handle inquiries too long or complex for touch-tone systems.
The group has no formal leadership, just a Web site and a virtual press office to handle inquiries.
Handles inquiries about State-insured vehicles, buildings, workers compensation, and more.