It was never designed to handle large events of 80,000, let alone 250,000, especially in late August, without receiving extensive damage.
Short term, the "fight or flight" response causes changes that allow you to handle sudden stressful events.
Special care was taken to handle events (situations in which the simulation equations are not valid and have to be changed).
One only has to look at how the media has handled terrorist events in recent times to understand the 'fear' an individual might feel.
A man after money was fairly predictable as to how he would handle events.
The party service traces its origins to services provided for European courts, and handles events from 10 to 10,000 people.
He has handled international events very well, helping people in Haiti and Bosnia.
Enough for him to let others handle events elsewhere, while he remained in New York.
The difference between a traditional data warehouse and one that is active is in the way it handles events.
It is designed to be about building, managing resources, and also handling random events.