A company handles the actual pickup and delivery of the vehicle.
The company partners with the United States Postal Service to handle last-mile delivery and first-mile pickup of packages while allowing package tracking along the way.
You may want to work with suppliers to reduce delivery cycles, or switch to suppliers and systems that can handle just-in-time delivery.
Handle delivery as well?
How will you handle delivery and payment?
The Journals Department currently handles production, manufacturing, fulfillment, and delivery for the following scholarly journals.
Exel is the world's largest logistics provider, or contractor handling the shipping, warehousing and delivery of goods and raw materials for other corporations.
She also explained that bulk delivery to a dozen countries is less challenging than handling delivery of approximately 80,000 individual units.
For example, you can use an import agent to handle UK customs clearance, and a freight forwarder to handle onward delivery to your premises.
The organization now represents farmers and handles delivery of a variety of their products to processors around the country.