The station handles over 200,000 passengers daily.
If the rail line is opened, as planned, by 2015, it could handle around 900,000 passengers daily, reported.
This Junction handles about 60 passenger trains daily.
Usually the shop handles about 15 to 20 customers daily during the week, with double that on Saturdays.
Adra railway station handles daily over 108 trains coming from different directions.
At peak the service handled over 1500 items of mail daily.
The airport now handles over 22 aircraft movement and well over 1000 passengers daily.
At their busiest, the centers will each handle about 17 tractor-trailer loads of forms daily.
AT&T, the long distance carrier that provides the best telephone service in the world, handles in excess of 100,000,000 calls daily.
As of 2006, the bridge pair handles around 130,000 vehicles daily.