Unit provision usually takes the form of providing a home base in a separate room for visually handicapped pupils with the mainstream school.
Teachers can be made aware of the real challenges that visually handicapped pupils have to face.
The way in which learning materials are presented to visually handicapped pupils will be the major concern of the specialist teacher or adviser.
The specialist teacher may find that some visually handicapped pupils require direct support teaching sessions.
Learning to use it fully and without embarrassment is a challenge, but one that many visually handicapped pupils have met with success.
The need to give attention to the social aspects of the school environment for the integrated visually handicapped pupil should not be underestimated.
(1981) also shows how positive measures to meet the needs of visually handicapped pupils can help them to flourish in a happy community atmosphere.
The incidents related in her story, however, are drawn from actual experiences of visually handicapped pupils.
The goal of this pilot project is to assure that the result is improved programs for handicapped pupils.
The state requires that the school integrates handicapped pupils into mainstream education.