A police officer who was videotaped while beating a handcuffed suspect was charged today with assault with a deadly weapon.
In April 2011, Sergeant Marc Garza was convicted of beating a handcuffed suspect with his radio.
The detectives pose for flashbulb pictures beside handcuffed suspects or scenes of carnage, their hats rakishly tilted.
Chief Thynne said he had never before heard of a handcuffed suspect who was able to bring his hands from behind his back and then choke an officer.
In September 2011, Officer Jason A. Brooks beat a handcuffed suspect.
A Newark police sergeant was killed early Saturday morning when his car flipped over as he chased a handcuffed suspect who had managed to drive away in another squad car, the authorities said.
Most handcuffed suspects remain seated in the back of squad cars.
In one case, a handcuffed suspect was tasered nine times by a police officer before dying, and six of those taserings occurred within less than three minutes.
The officers were seen kicking, punching and setting their dogs on handcuffed suspects.
A police officer in Fort Worth was videotaped on Wednesday afternoon striking a handcuffed suspect with a baton at least 28 times.