It pleased me to domineer over her, and she generally submitted to my tyranny rather than risk a hand-to-hand encounter.
He had obviously been trained for hand-to-hand encounters.
They had thrice to outsail pirates and once best them in bloody hand-to-hand encounter.
She had first learned street fighting from her father, who had survived several hand-to-hand encounters.
Although wounded in a hand-to-hand encounter, his bold rush caused panic among the enemy who were at the same time charged by the Sikhs.
The guy certainly wasn't hanging around for a hand-to-hand encounter.
The rest of the English and Germans were engaged in a hand-to-hand encounter.
Behind the fury of the hand-to-hand encounter, "X" saw a flash of yellow silk.
He led his men through 10 hours of combat, including hand-to-hand encounters, and headed a patrol that seized a second objective, a strategic slope.
He was afraid of no one in a hand-to-hand encounter, so the other's proposal met with instant approval.