She found a few scraps of muslin, an old hat, toddler's shoes and hand-me-down clothes.
"We got the neatest hand-me-down clothes," he recalled, wrinkling his nose at her.
Dr. Gao, a small serious woman of 76 in dark hand-me-down clothes, is regularly chased out of the villages she goes to help.
He wears hand-me-down clothes and even his pet rat used to belong to his brother Percy.
She was the one in the hand-me-down clothes, who trained to be a nurse not a vet, and who couldn't get the man.
Wearing hand-me-down clothes from older relatives was accepted as a way of life.
There's something wonderful about the hand-me-down clothes of a whole family becoming a gentle little blanket.
"Whatever you say," Zetha muttered, finding the old woman sorting hand-me-down clothes for her foundlings as usual.
I got all kind of hand-me-down clothes I'm taking to Puerto Rico with me for my cousins.
The ones here were a tough lot, with holes in their shoes and hand-me-down clothes that really were hand-me-downs.