Whenever possible, turn off a hand-held unit when it is not in use.
Members of the group tried out the Suunto wrist computer and found that some functions were similar to those in their own hand-held units.
Users press the hand-held unit against the throat and form words with the mouth to simulate speech.
Drivers blow into a hand-held unit for five seconds.
We now have a network of the hand-held units in four outposts.
The hand-held units usually have a red case.
He posted the tiny image on his hand-held unit to the main display.
That way, a single hand-held unit can "talk" to all the components in the system.
This hand-held unit could not transmit his picture, but that wasn't necessary.
Under new federal privacy rules, each patient must give consent before medical information is transmitted by any electronic means, including hand-held units.