From the city of Pistoia, Italy, where hand-held guns (designed to be fired from horseback) were first produced in the 1540s.
Cannon were being used for sieges in the 1320s, and hand-held guns were in use by the 1360s.
His engine transforms into a hand-held gun, and is also armed with twin wrist-mounted blasters.
The Japanese were interested in Portuguese hand-held guns.
Snarl was the only member of the Dinobots to wield an energo sword in robot mode rather than a hand-held gun.
The hand-held gun held several pounds of nitrogen, and allowed limited movement around the Gemini spacecraft.
Revellers have a range of hand-held guns to choose from including pistols, assault rifles and the odd grenade launcher.
Each vehicle is equipped with hand-held or vehicle-mounted light guns.
Here, workers apply discoloring chemicals with brushes; there, they use hand-held guns to blast jets of quartz sand.
His weapons of choice are various wrenches, hammers and hand-held guns.