Photography is permitted with hand-held equipment for non-commercial purposes only.
Separate hand-held equipment also picked up the contamination on 17 crew members, who had participated in rescue operations.
The new hand-held equipment, on test in Hereford and Worcestershire, uses a laser light beam to pinpoint cars almost half a mile away.
This is a hostile environment and suggests the hand-held equipment used by FDNY had good quality receivers, though in this case, the suggestion is incorrect.
Any hand-held equipment such as drills or saws can be dropped or knocked over the edge of a platform or walkway.
The program uses artificial intelligence and speech recognition to talk Handspring's callers through repairing errors, crashes, failed synchronizations and other troubles that afflict hand-held equipment.
They carry hand-held equipment that detects radiation.
Jimmy looked forward to see that the others seemed involved in getting the cutter on course, except for the two engineers who were tampering with hand-held equipment they had brought with them.
Minimum wire size for hand-held or portable equipment is usually restricted by the mechanical strength of the conductors.
There the intimacy emerges through Lance Acord's use of hand-held equipment to trail the dislocated American characters through their Tokyo adventures.