This allowed him to show hand-drawn animated cartoons to larger audiences, but it was soon eclipsed in popularity by the photographic film projector of the Lumière brothers.
There was no signature, but below the note was a hand-drawn cartoon of a rabbit's head and the face of a clock.
Or painted with brown desert camouflage and hand-drawn cartoons of missiles roaring toward Arabs riding camels.
That kind of thing is best left in the Pleistocene Era of hand-drawn cartoons.
Modern movie cartoons are sometimes created using computer graphics, rather than hand-drawn cartoons.
Although Pond Life is a traditional hand-drawn cartoon, the comedy series was directed at adult audiences and specifically targeted at female viewers.
And video gamers - so accustomed to their deeply illustrated, playable worlds - might not care much about yet another hand-drawn two-dimensional cartoon.
"The Animation Show" champions the hand-drawn cartoon.
The 2D graphics are apparently intended to mimic the look of hand-drawn animated cartoons with animations that use thick outlines and solid colors on two-dimensional backgrounds.