Curious, he flipped the book over and examined the hand-colored photograph on the back.
With the slightly unnatural aura of hand-colored photographs, these landscapes have a dream-like quality that straddles the border between real and surreal.
The wood-block prints are supplemented by hand-colored photographs that show the same commercial activity around 1900.
Lastly, the Louisiana Marketplace contains baskets, hand-colored photographs, jewelry, and landscape-themed art.
More placid but serenely beautiful are the hand-colored photographs of impressive land forms by Ken Robbins.
Arguably, it's earliest forerunner is the practice of hand-tinted or hand-colored photographs from the 19th Century.
"It has hand-colored photographs done by these newlyweds showing the interior of their first apartment," he said.
Gardiner likely began producing his hand-colored photographs of Mackinac Island and Florida in the early twentieth century.
He was staring at her two large hand-colored photographs of an elderly man and a woman dressed formally in what looked like turn-of-the-century clothes.
It is illustrated with unusual, slightly spectral hand-colored photographs.