There was no mention of handing over old cases to the authorities.
This had been part of an agreement under which the Americans handed the area back to the Bavarian authorities.
Significantly, the soldiers did not molest the civilian population and they handed over British agents to the authorities.
It was wound up in 1998 when control of the Docklands area was handed back to the respective local authorities.
Lebanese militias have been handing over their weapons to the authorities and a restructured national army has deployed in most districts.
The farmer alerted government authorities about his find and handed the idols to the authorities.
Oquendo himself issued a list of prisoners and handed over the English commander to the authorities.
In 2007, a farmer spotted a tiger and handed in photographs to the authorities as proof.
The text of the agreement was handed to the central authorities of Poland on July 8.
On April 16, 1945 he was handed to the Polish authorities.