For fashion, try Aarti Sarees, (44-20) 8571-4689, on 22 South Road; it sells a wide range of traditional Indian garb, starting from a £4 polyester sari to a pure silk sari, hand embroidered with sparkling Swrovski crystals, for £700.
It is made from heavy pure silk satin, hand embroidered with metallic beads, sequins and diamante in a sumptuous floral design.
Piotr's knobby hands fiddled with a brown silk bag embroidered with the Vorkosigan crest in silver.
These cloaks are handmade, hand dyed, hand embroidered.
Like the bodice is going to be a boned, hand embroidered corset - and Danny suggested putting in a tiny beaded love-knot using the birthstones of all the bridal party, which is just so original.
He wiped his hands on a dish towel embroidered with a fox and hounds and gestured for Stoddard to take a seat.
The patches were, just as unquestionably, hand embroidered.
Items include those that are hand woven, hand embroidered, knitted and more.
He dried his hands on a guest towel embroidered with a likeness of his employer.
In 1911, for example, the trophy was won by Comte Johnnie de Madre's Tigers Team, who wore pure silk shirts, hand embroidered with gold thread.