He'd come straight in from the burning dirtier than usual, his hands blistered, his mood precarious.
He could see the shadow of his finger bones while his hands blistered.
Even so the sweat still poured off us and our hands blistered from the unaccustomed labor of digging in the hard ground of the steppe.
As the dawn came up he was sitting at the water's edge, his face blackened with smoke, his hands blistered.
We'd be goin' slower from now on, I suspected, with Dorian's hands blistered the way they were.
His hands blistered, his sleeve caught fire, his gun fired on its own, smashing the kitchen window.
His soft hands were no longer merely chafed, but blistered.
I knew my hands would blister and I wanted to delay it as long as I could.
My hands blistered from hauling ropes.
The silvery front of his black uniform was scorched, his face and hands blistered.