They offer first hand accounts of the 13th century and earlier.
First hand account written by a private of the 68th Foot.
During the mid-19th century, first hand accounts mentioned the disappearance of the species.
Transfer's fifth show is based on first hand accounts of women working in the health services.
Some first hand accounts from participants may support the claim that such behavior was found on both sides.
Many people on the team worked longer hours but it was satisfying work being able to bring people's first hand accounts to the news coverage.
According to first hand accounts, none of the triples were hit to left field.
Along with a first hand account of this life, he also includes information about his views on the relationship between religion, society, and politics.
The group kept no records but several first hand accounts of the group's meetings have been published.
Both are considered second hand accounts rather than evidence of an actual visit.