There tools included concave projectile points, scrapers, choppers, hammer stones, and bone awls.
Gawen jerked around as he heard the sound of a hammer striking stone.
Excavation exposed 17 meter deep occupational deposit - hammer stones, restricted use of copper, low grade bronze dating back to 1700 BC.
At the 24 inch level charcoal was found in association with fire-burnt stone spalls, hammer stone, broken pick, and scraper.
They had unearthed 23 tools including bifacial axes, picks, and hammer stones, all of which were made of chert.
The hammer stones are often large enough to require lifting with both hands.
In addition there are spheroidal hammer stones.
Nuts and bones are cracked by hitting them with hammer stones on a stone used as an anvil.
That they were omnivores is unquestioned, as the digging implement and the probable use of hammer stones to smash nuts indicate.
Dr. Toth strode into the adjacent stone-tool workshop and returned with a piece of flint and a hammer stone.