Soon the smith's hammer rang once more on red-hot iron.
Chane's hammer rang again on the surface of the stone, and again.
Every day, every night, hammers rang along the Street of Steel, and the great chain grew longer.
The anvil-a real anvil, heavy as ice two on a gas giant, if battered around the edges-and the hammer rang.
The hammer rang with sharp, quick blows.
When you've eaten and rested, your hammer will ring truer.
All night the armourers' hammers rang upon the new-forged arrow heads.
She's probably at the weight room, getting in her reps. Can't you hear the hammers ringing and the saws chiming?
A hammer driven by a 230-volt electric motor was later installed and currently rings the bell.
Bugs's hands went a flurrying over the bicycle again: a hammer rang, nuts and bolts flew out.