Labour has to do nothing more than articulate it's alternative: The deficit should be halved in four years, not cleared.
With the deficit numbers higher, we would have to cut more to reach my goal of halving the deficit in four years.
At 4 percent a year, inflation halves your buying power in 18 years.
At one site, the amount of coral had been halved in just three years.
Labour do not promise to halve the debt mountain in 4 years.
The company's workforce has been almost halved to 102 in three years.
As a result, Mexico City halved some forms of air pollution in only five years.
Thus, the growth rate has nearly halved in just three years.
And it keeps price increases below the inflation rate, so the real cost of a beer, before excise taxes, has been halved in 20 years.
At the general election Labour ran on a platform of halving the deficit in four years, with cuts beginning next year.