Unlike a phone call or hallway conversation, E-mail leaves an audit trail that can pinpoint the abuser.
Some patients received no medical care, the society said, and others complained of psychiatric treatment limited to hallway conversations with doctors averaging five minutes a week.
If the hallway conversations at a convention are worth more than the sessions, why not have more and better hallways?
Elsewhere, doctors and nurses have been told to lower their voices and minimize the use of patients' names in hallway conversations.
Ephedra use and abuse made the agenda and plenty of fodder for hallway conversation.
In the meantime, it is becoming more urgent for us to use the time we share in real space to create the equivalent of hallway conversations.
The real bug-"tracking" happened in email, post-its, and hallway conversations.
We've had some hallway conversations at New America about this possibility during the last few days.
Another reason was that many years ago he was a little too forthcoming with a journalist in what he thought had been a hallway conversation.
"No, his focus would be on us teen-agers," said Taboo Joseph, another senior, joining a hallway conversation last week.