One night, years earlier, Miller's left him after he ran into the road amidst oncoming traffic, almost killing himself in a hallucinatory state.
Later, in a hallucinatory state, Mr Pinfold imagines that his problems have originated from that box.
She recalled being in a "hallucinatory state" when writing "Marked" and completed the recording for it in a single take.
After all, Poe's hallucinatory states may best be explained by his possible consumption of absinthe.
She felt doubly bad about Deanna Troi, who was apparently in some sort of hallucinatory state.
While imprisoned, the Joes are drugged into a hallucinatory state.
"I suppose she's half in a hallucinatory state now."
He also excelled in portraying mental illness and hallucinatory states.
Visions dancing in my head as I drove home, Surfin' Bird came on the radio to heighten the hallucinatory state even further.