This method of discourse gives his 80-minute play a kind of hallucinatory power so forceful that one admires the actor and writer for surviving it.
What completely separated them now was the single fact that Riggs had not seen the dream, not felt its immense hallucinatory power.
It was this latter factor, perhaps, which gave the painting its terrifying, hallucinatory power.
Fortunately, many more had a hallucinatory power so that when "Maria Callas" ended, you could easily feel you were waking from a dream simultaneously perplexing and haunting.
But most often, the voices heard by the ears of loved ones are silent to everyone else - and the rescuers are left to wonder about the hallucinatory powers of hope.
The fantasy had almost hallucinatory power.
It's kind of a languorous, finely textured soap opera, injecting the form with hallucinatory power.
Ms. Kennedy, 47, is a former graduate student in anthropology who has published articles on the hallucinatory powers of toad and tarantula venom.
The lack of music contributes to the work's hallucinatory power.
Don Wallis' account of Roz Brickman's hallucinatory powers filled him with alarm.