There are enough of these hallucinatory, super-upbeat moments throughout that the collection can be wearying.
The Door, however, was locked as tight as it had ever been save for that one hallucinatory moment when An-non had seen.
I did not drop as instructed because I was possessed by a hallucinatory moment of madness.
To the Editor: Liberal Democrats in hallucinatory moments see the great Democratic social structures of the last half-century crumbling at their feet.
Horses snorted and stamped, and Croaker was reminded of the hallucinatory moment in the cab, as if he had been eavesdropping on Margarite's memories.
In hallucinatory moments between pains, she imagined that he had decreed her baby born then, with no one awake to see or hear, no one to know.
For one wild, hallucinatory moment of insanity the Governor actually contemplated storming the galley.
It seemed a hallucinatory moment that seemed to conjure the cold war as some 40-year misunderstanding.
But the new novel also has darker hallucinatory moments.
By week two, it was my square metre-its minute, evolving landscape-that floated in my mind during those last, hallucinatory moments before I fell asleep.