The hall officially reopened in June 1991, with a main hall holding up to 2,000 seats and a smaller auditorium holding up to 200 seats.
But when the hall reopened, many of us who had been connected to it were not surprised to realize that some of the acoustical magic had disappeared.
The hall reopened in 1987 as the Celeste Bartos Forum.
The hall reopened in April 2007 after being closed for refurbishment.
The renovation is largely complete and the hall reopened.
The hall reopened September 1, 2006 for staff, hosting residents the next day.
The hallowed hall reopens, after a renovation supervised by Hardy Holtzman Pfeiffer.
And after eight months of construction that added 10,000 square feet, the Island's major performing arts hall reopens on Friday at 8 p.m. with a performance by Chick Corea and His Elecktric Band.