Accident as frequently as not was decisive, while treacherous desertion or half-hearted support was a frequent occurrence.
This plan was strongly opposed by King Abdullah I of Transjordan, and received only half-hearted support from the Arab Higher Committee.
But when Nolan offered Hasek only half-hearted support during that episode, Winter said, Hasek became embittered toward his coach.
But after Alemdar's tragic death no Grand Vizier ratified the treaty, probably due to the sultan's only half-hearted support to it.
And the company is sharply critical of what it calls the cable industry's half-hearted support of CableCard.
To the extent he succeeded in this mission, it was over the strenuous objections of the leadership of the Republican Party and with only half-hearted support from Democrats.
Attempts by Brazilian monarchists to restore the crown were unsuccessful, and Isabel lent them only half-hearted support.
His reasoning, shared by many others, was that Neapolitan fans had given the national squad half-hearted support because some ceded their loyalties to Argentina.
Eric Menved's firm attitude, together with a half-hearted support from the church, weakened Grand's case.
New York may throw away bilingual education, because with mediocre resources and half-hearted support it does not work.