According to Rolling Stone, when Swift's mother confronted West, he gave "a half-hearted apology in which he added he still thought Beyoncé's video was superior".
Most also expressed alarm at the President's apparent recklessness and said they were disappointed in his actions, his foot-dragging and what they saw as his half-hearted apology.
My co-worker embarrassingly began to make a half-hearted apology.
Most such cases are resolved in "a timely fashion," the State Department says: the American is released with a half-hearted apology, fined or deported.
His wife has left him but still calls him on his cellphone and remains silent while he stammers questions and half-hearted apologies.
They've heard their share of half-hearted apologies, half-truths and outright lies.
This half-hearted apology is an attempt to claw back legitimacy in the eyes of the public, much of which was won during post-riot hysteria.
One lunchtime he failed to show up when he knew I had specifically invited Gloria to meet him, then called three hours later with a half-hearted apology.
Mr Mitchell's half-hearted apology for the comments made whilst leaving Downing Street will do little to build bridges with the police".
Colbert later went on to offer a half-hearted apology to Canton, South Dakota before proceeding to mock Canton, Texas.