Chain shot looked at first glance like ordinary round shot, but the ball was split into two halves and when it left the gun the halves separated.
There was an almost imperceptible hesitation at the bottom and then the two halves separated, and the ragged edge flashed in the lamplight.
Two halves separated before birth.
Unable to resolve this difference, the two halves of the town separated into present-day Yarmouth and North Yarmouth.
The halves were separating.
The face divided down the middle, and the halves separated.
Although they remain in sixth place in the conference, a game and a half separates them from the 7th- through 11th-place teams.
The common ownership notwithstanding, the two halves of the Forbury remained very different in character, and separated by a wall.
The northern half separated from Ede in 1960.
If twisted, the smaller half would pivot and the larger half would separate, forming an "S" shape.