If he found them in their car, going at each other like two hairless monkeys, should he kill them as planned or give them a reprieve?
On the beach everyone is a body, no more or less than flesh, indistinguishable one from another, like a great pale tribe of hairless monkeys.
The squat hairless monkeys that they call their "bodies" are in fact remotely-controlled mechanisms.
A hairless monkey, Monty thought at first, then, as she looked closer, she realized with shock and revulsion that it was a human baby boy.
These hairless monkeys have talents we lack.
The hairless monkeys spread out in a semi-circle, then began approaching them slowly.
A hairless monkey shamed herself at the behest of a typical male hairless monkey of that age.
Smith was as drab as a hairless monkey next to the captain's vavasors and carls, splendid in their head-to-toe tattoos which displayed heraldries and victory-emblems.
Now, several centuries later, the Kzinti are about to get yet another lesson in why it pays to be polite to those hairless monkeys from planet Earth.