"That's me with my hair straightened, looking very Meryl Streepish," she says, flipping past a photo taken at age 19.
Gradually the hair straightened, and as it did so, drying, it began to assume some of the metallic luster of the wings.
Hannah Pool: Having my hair straightened had turned me into Identikit Black Woman.
Knot's skin tingled; all the hairs of his body were straightening.
Brazilian hair straightening treatments eliminate frizz, straighten the hair and last about three months.
Women can have their hair straightened, and the salon offers products that cause the least possible damage to the hair.
She sat back, straightened her hair.
The hair was a different color and straightened, but there was no mistaking it.
Steward can almost feel his hair straighten.
- 10 days ago Okay, I have very healthy, long hair & I straighten it and curl it basically everyday.