Just outside the office door, Selbert ran into a rather haggard young man who had the look of an artist.
Troi could not help thinking what a different picture he presented from the filthy, haggard man they had awakened to find as their companion in captivity.
Kane was a tall, haggard man of about forty, dressed in rough seaman's clothing and wearing a battered peaked cap.
He advanced toward me: a tall, haggard man, white-haired, an uncontrollable tic working in the lid of one eye.
The ride I proceeded to get was with a skinny, haggard man who believed in controlled starvation for the sake of health.
In the second cell was a tall, haggard man who looked at him with wide-eyed recognition.
A pale, haggard man sat strapped to a chair in a barren gray room.
The thin, haggard man shook his head slowly and walked over to the wall and leaned against it.
He was a thin, haggard man with a slow smile that never reached beyond his lips.
Austin Bellamy, a worn, haggard old man, stared speechless, wondering what this freedom meant.