There are several that are designed for home computer users, and, given the scariness of these new hacker attacks, more will be arriving soon.
The latest hacker attacks, which have disrupted some of the Web's most popular sites, are especially insidious because they seem so nihilistic.
These security concerns, such as hacker attacks and the theft of credit card information, make governments hesitant to provide public online services.
In August alone, viruses, worms and hacker attacks caused $35 billion in economic damage, according to mi2g.
Basically it's a system you stick out there to be a victim of hacker attacks.
That assault was fended off, but the next day a more sophisticated hacker attack knocked the company off the Internet.
Many in the industry feared the government would cite the hacker attacks as evidence of the need to expand its role in regulating Internet security.
Whether because hacker attacks are increasing, or the public is simply more conscious of them, the number of reported incidents is on the rise.
The creator of Nimda, which attacked computers and installed "back doors" for subsequent hacker attacks, has never been identified.
He then clarified that he wasn't sure if the outage was due to a hacker attack.