The wood frog (Rana sylvatica), whose habitat extends into the Arctic Circle, buries itself in the ground during winter.
The habitat extends along the Atlantic states from Maryland to Georgia and westward to Texas.
The habitat consists of drier forests, but extends to wet forests and dense savanna.
Their habitat, which is restricted to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, extends from the coasts, over the deserts to the mountains of the island.
The real habitat extends beyond park borders, winding through backyards, buffer lands and open spaces.
Their habitat extends from 70 North latitude and higher.
Its habitat extends into the Central African Republic.
Its habitat seems to be restricted to forests on coralline limestone areas on Calayan and extends to a total of less than 100 km2.
Its habitat extends from the northwestern coast of Washington, through southern Oregon and northern California.
Their habitat extends upslope through the Polylepis woodlands into puna grassland.