Loss of habitat and over-exploitation for such products has put many species in danger of extinction as a result of overcutting, extensive illegal logging and habitat conversion.
It is threatened by habitat conversion due to agriculture and logging.
Additional threats include habitat conversion for urban development, tourism and agriculture.
The main causes of habitat conversion are agriculture, fire suppression, urbanization, coastal development, ditching and draining of wetlands, and damming of rivers.
The IUCN currently lists the species as "Near Threatened" because of the concern over habitat conversion in many countries in the cat's range.
Q. You end your book with a bleak picture of the future of orangutans because of habitat conversion and illegal logging.
Throughout Africa, the major threats to leopards are habitat conversion and intense persecution, especially in retribution for real and perceived livestock loss.
Some species are now endangered as a result of overcutting, extensive illegal logging and habitat conversion.
This species is not seriously threatened, although it may be adversely affected by urbanisation, habitat conversion to agriculture, and fynbos fires.
As increasing human populations and habitat conversions to agriculture and/or livestock grazing occur, cheetahs, lions, and other large predators prey on cattle and other livestock.